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January 4, 2011



Thoses bold accessories brings a fun twist to this beautiful fur, great outfit!

An Headwrap, cute scarf and a matching bag make a black outfit more fun!

Ryo Miyamoto is  a blogger with a great sense of style,he even designed his shoes, I love it! Check out  his blog

This scarf is fabulous! The color and the lenght are just perfect, and make the outfit stand out!Very cool jeune homme!

Coup de Coeur pour REPOSSI x ALTUZARRA, Anne Marie Herckes, RICHARD NICOLL…

December 13, 2010

A Cool girl, should have…

A breathtaking ring,



A cute Brooch to accessorize an outfit,

Brooch by Anne Marie Herckes

An Artsy Tee shirt,


A cute as hell clutch to go out,

Sac/Clutch:Roger Vivier

Killer Shoes,

Heels by Alberto Guardiani

And a Funky swimsuit (in case of an New Year’s in the sun situation ),Swimsuit by WE ARE HANDSOME



Peter Gray Good Hair!

December 11, 2010

Peter Gray x Masa Honda Hair show, at the Asia Beauty Expo is just wonderful!!

The styling edition featuring Madeleine and the The PopBellaHall Dancers

November 23, 2010

One of my favorite things in the world, is to style for Madeleine and her dancers for their  shows. Madeleine is a real entertainer, she writes, sings, choreographs and dances. Madeleine is commited to giving a real show to her public but she also uses her voice to empower women in a society pushing women to the edge with superficiality. She speaks up about issues that a lot of artists choose not to, because after all, you can be a fun entertainer and have a strong and positive message. Madeleine is a militant for authenticity, and she applies her belief of tolerance and positivity  to the team every single day. Working with her is a pleasure, she allows me to express my creativity in the design and the styling for the shows,  she is open to everything as long as it stays faithful to her conviction and represents her perfectly. I have to say that it’s not difficult to come up with ideas for the shows with such an inspiring team. Madeleine, the PopBellaHall dancers and me now form a big familly where everybody is supportive and dedicated to entertaining people in a refreshing and positive way. I invite you to check out her video at

En ce moment, mon activitee preferee est de m’occuper de la direction artistique c’est a dire de la realisation des costumes du styling, du maquillage et de la coiffure d’une nouvelle artiste qui est aussi mon amie; Madeleine et sa troupe de danseurs “les PopBellaHall”. Madeleine est une artiste complete, elle ecrit, chante, danse mais egalement realise ses choregraphies. Madeleine est devouee a faire rever son public a travers l’univers colore de sa musique et de ses choregraphies, tout en vehiculant un message positif, et en abordant des sujets de societe que beaucoup d’artistes prefere eviter. Madeleine est une militante et a travers sa musique a pour mission de redonner confiance et fierte aux femmes dans une societe parfois etouffante de part sa superficialite mais egalement de donner au Monde une version plus authentique d’une artiste Pop. Madeleine, ses danseurs et moi formons desormais  une grande famille  ayant pour mission de se donner corps et ames a la realisation de spectacles fabuleux. Je vous invite egalement a regarder le video du spectacle

Madeleine and The PopBellaHall Dancers: styling, make up, hair and design by Soukena Roussi

And Madeleine!

Jacket: vintage/ Leotard: costum made by me/

Girls just want to have style!

November 14, 2010

Thanks to Charlie Le Mindu , colorful hair is definitely in this season so let’s have fun girls! In fact, I am seeing more and more girl with different cool shades of colors. So far I tried blue and I loved it! This Australian girl has the most beautiful and perfectly done soft pink I have ever seen so far, bravo!!


Merci a Charlie Le Mindu, les cheveux aux couleurs fun sont desormais in cette saison! En effet, de plus en plus de filles adoptent  des couleurs vives telles que le rose,le bleu, ou le vert et je trouve cela super rafraichissant! Pour l’instant je n’ai essayee que le bleu, et j’ai adoree!! Cette jeune Australienne  m’a epoustouflee avec sa  chevelure rose pale. Bravo mademoiselle!!


That’s what I call personal style!


The perfect accessories…


And the coolest sweater!


New York Street’s Museum

New York is an open air museum and I happen to love street art, so I decided to share it with you guys! Enjoy!

New York est une ville ou l’art est Roi, donc pourquoi ne pas partager ma passion pour ce musee en plein air ? Vive New York!


The Look of the Day
Hat and short:H&M/ tee-shirt and hat’s pendant: vintage/ shoes: Jeffery Campbell

Another trendy day in the Lower East Side!

November 8, 2010

In New York, you find every kind of people, and every kind of style, from the Patricia Fields stylist…

To the European visitor…

The Creative…

And the Fashionisto. Diversity is the beauty of this city!

La fille du Lower East Side in Brooklyn!

November 3, 2010

A trip to Williamsburg.

I am not gonna lie, until this day, I wasn’t  a fan of Brooklyn, but today was different… I went to Williamsburg with my friend Sharon and shopped at the coolest vintage stores and met the sweetest people with beautiful personal styles. I had a lot of fun, and am looking forward to going back to Brooklyn!

Here are the beautiful boys and girls that I met in Brooklyn!

I Was In Heaven at The Vintage Trade Show!

October 29, 2010

I love vintage clothing because it has more personality, soul, and is unique.

What a satisfaction when someone asks you about your hat, and you got it at the vintage store, you know that it was the only one and nobody else is going to have it. Its yours, you choose it, it chose you, and it’s almost ceremonial for me to go in a vintage store because what you are going to find isn’t dictated by a trend, but by your own personal style, your taste, you!I like the fact that somebody else wore it, enjoyed it, and it’s cool to know that this person was living in an other era…I bought a hat from the 1930’s and was wondering about the woman who first bought it. Did she buy it for an occasion? What did she look like? What was her personality like? The beautiful thing is that, even if we are from different eras, we had something in common, because we liked and wore the same hat.

Vintage clothes definitely have an energy, and I like to own it in my time, with my style and my own aura.

Here is a snapshot of the Vintage Trade Show, enjoy…

The look of the day


October 19, 2010

Good Parisian Girls Gone Bad!!!

Photographed and styled by Soukena.

Marion and Sandrine are my two friends from Paris who came to New York to have fun, so I decided to take them out of their black clothes, pulled out clothes from my closet and put outfits together to give them the full lower east side experience with some edge! Because if there is one thing I learned as a Parisian living in New York it’s that this city is about expressing yourself  everyday getting dressed in every way possible and even in color if you want too!

Marion and Sandrine rocked it!

Sandrine, la chipie.

And Marion la coquine,

And later that day, they became fierce lower east side girls, with the Parisian swagg…


October 12, 2010

On  my way to FIT, I found these fabulous people…what can I say? I just love New Yorker’s swagger !

There is the girl with the pretty smile and elegant turban…

The girl with the sexy cat eyes…

The guy with the very fashionable fox tail…

The guy with the very cool pendant …

The guy with the right shades and attitude…

The Look of the Day

Top:H&M/ Short:True Religion/ Sunglasses: Alexandra Cassaniti